Thursday, August 18, 2011

Defending What Is Already Defended

"My defense is of God, who saves the upright in heart."
~Psalm 7:10 (NKJV)

It's easy to find myself defending my actions, my life situations, and my choices. In sharing with someone where I have been over the past 18 years of my life--and maybe even just the past year of my life--I find myself feeling the need to explain. For some reason there is this fear in my heart that people won't understand, people won't get the whole picture, and then (God forbid) they have a sketched view of me and my heart. I find myself feeling the need to give fact after fact so they can have as many details as possible so they know I didn't do anything wrong and I made the best decision(s). There are various things wrong with this.

The first, is that I do make wrong decisions. I have made plenty of mistakes--some by blatant choice, and others with the failing of the best intentions. I have gotten myself in a hole at times, and then proceeded to dig it deeper. Point is--mistakes have been made. 

The second (and my main point for today) is that Christ is our defender. The past few weeks in my time with God, I have really felt him speaking to me "Morgan, stop defending yourself. Let me do the defending." That has taken time to settle in for me to be able to grasp. My flesh just wants to continue jumping the gun, making sure that everyone knows I'm a good person with the best intentions. Which, you know what? Is the fact. I do have good intentions--my main intention being to serve Christ, live in His ways and love, and glorify His Kingdom. Sounds like good intentions to me, huh? However, the thing I have been missing is letting His Spirit speak through me. Allowing myself to be a vessel, for His heart to just pour out of me, and for His attributes in me to just speak in high volumes to others--louder than my own jibber-jabber of defending myself.

I don't know if any of you have dealt with this or are dealing with this, but I really hope this revelation that God has spoken to my heart can bless you. 

Let Him be your defender.

Here's to living the destined life..

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