Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Praying & Interceding

It has become such a general and cliche for us to say:
"I'll be praying for that."
"I've been praying for you."
"Yeah, I'll pray about that."

...But are we actually following through?

I have found myself even doing it. I claim to be praying for something, I claim that I will pray for something--but when it comes to praying, I don't actually pray about it. Somehow, "I've been praying about that" has (sometimes) transferred into "Yeah, that came across my mind the other day." or something along those lines.

I have felt really challenged lately to actually follow through on prayer. Not just before bed, not just before meals, not just in times of trouble, but in and at every moment in my every day. Whether I be in the car, in bed before I start my day, in the shower, making lunch, or getting dressed.

I could write a whole post on how blessed we are to even have the tool and choice of prayer to connect ourselves to Christ in such an intimate way, but for now I just want to focus on the sole act of praying as well as interceding.

This world is broken. We all have issues, we all have trials, we all have pain, we all have struggles, we all have things bringing us down, we all have hopes, we all have dreams, we all have desires--and it is in those moments that we should be praying. In the happiness, in the joy, in the unsure moments, and in the certain moments. Not only do I believe we should be praying individually, but surrounding one another as the body of Christ in support and love and praying with and for one another.

I have felt challenged to lay down my time, to lay down what makes me comfortable, and to really pray and intercede for not only my own life and circumstances, but for others as well. I believe it is our part in our roles of the kingdom of God to join with one another in prayer--whether it be with or for one another.

2 Corinthians 1:4 says:
"who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."

John 15:13 says:

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

Job 42:10 says:
After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before."

Romans 8:26-27 says:
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God."

Hebrews 7:25 says:
"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them." 

I am inspired to pray and intercede for the body of Christ--I believe my role is to do so.

Please, let me know if there is anything I can be praying for you for (you can send it to me anonymously or not). I promise you it will be on my list and I will follow through.

Prayer is not thinking.
Prayer is communicating.

Here's to living the destined life..

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Josie's 2nd Birthday

My sweet Josephine,

Today you are two years old.

It seems like just yesterday I was waking up to your dad saying "It's time. I need you to come upstairs and sleep on the couch--we have to go to the hospital." I could barely sleep the rest of the night (well, technically it was morning). Although I already had three siblings at this point--I was beyond ecstatic. You were born and I will never forget visiting mom in the hospital and holding your sweet little fragile body for the first time. Your bones were so soft and tender, your skin was so gentle and flawless. For as many babies as I have held, as many siblings I had already had, for some reason I always seem to forget the feeling of holding a baby. For the majority of our visit, I took pictures of Lilly holding you. Boy, was she enthralled. She had never held a baby before, and you were her first little sister. I know from experience that being able to call yourself a big sister for the first time is such a proud moment. She couldn't keep her eyes off of you, and the only time she took to look away from you, she looked up at us all with the most proud smile on her face--she immediately delighted in you.

I'm writing this to you now so that some day you may read it when you are older. Why? Mainly because I never want you to forget or doubt that for even a moment that I didn't care for you and love you. This time in my life right now is a huge transition. I moved home to Minnesota nearly 11 weeks ago. One of the hardest things about leaving was leaving you behind. I had to let go of that feeling of responsibility that I was your parent or something--which was a completely false sense of reality and responsibility.

There are so many things I want to teach you, Josephine. And I hope and pray every single day that I will be able to teach you even more than I already have had the pleasure of teaching you. Here are a few things I would like to specifically note for you as your life continues and birthdays upon birthdays pass:

1. Above all else--SERVE GOD. I cannot stress this to you enough, Josie. The power of finding your identity in Christ, the power of living your life for Him, the power of living in His presence and His unfailing love--it is beyond powerful. My biggest prayer for your life is that you will live in that. I can tell you right now, you will make mistakes. You will make bad choices. You will suffer consequences. But through that? Find Him. Live in Him. Live for Him. Learn of Him. Learn from Him. Love for Him. Love Him. As long as you choose to set your gaze upon Him, as long as you choose to learn from your mistakes, and as long as you are open to what He has in store for you--you'll get through life just fine.

2. There will be times that will seem dark in life, but know that you are never alone. Not only is God by your side throughout every emotion and stage in life, you have family and friends that will always be there for you. I can promise you with everything in me that I will never turn you down, I will never judge you and turn you away, I will never turn my back to you, and I will never leave you in darkness. Through your happiness, through your pain, through your joy, through your suffering--I will be here. Don't ever question that.

3. Never settle for less. This is another thing that I cannot stress to you enough. It's so easy to settle--you convince yourself that you're not going to find anything better, that you deserve a certain thing because you're not worth much, that you're not that special. Through Him, Josie, you are a chosen child. Through Him you were destined to live a full and bountiful life. When you settle, it's easy to stray from what God has planned for your life. And let me tell you, sometimes you'll think that you know where your life is headed, and it may even see like the best place you could ever possibly be in life--but sometimes God gives us a little surprise and has an even BETTER plan for our lives. In those times, trust Him--He knows what's best for you.

4. Boys will deceive you, but make Him your main boy. When your heart is after God full-heartedly, the man God has planned for you will see that above all else. Before your smokin' bod, before your beautiful blond hair, before your ocean-like blue eyes. He will--and that boy is worth waiting for.

5. Stand up for yourself. I grew up as a people pleaser. All I wanted was for others to be happy, which is an understandable desire, but where it became unhealthy is that I would do anything to make others happy. I wouldn't speak my mind, I wouldn't stand up for myself, and I let a lot of people walk all over me. Boy, have I learned. I have quite a good feeling that this won't be a struggle for you, because even in your now young age, you are quite the stubborn and loud-spoken one--just remember it.

6. Although you may not have been planned by mom and dad, you were divinely planned by God. Although I am 16 years older than you, this is something we share. When mom was with my dad, they weren't planning on having a baby. Suddenly, mom found she was pregnant with me at the mere age of 18 (which is my age now...super freaky to think about!!). Although I'm sure she was scared, discouraged, and lost--God wasn't. He clearly had a plan and purpose for my life! As for you, mom and your dad didn't plan on having you either. I will never forget the day they both sat me down and said "Mom's pregnant." At first, I literally laughed at them and said "Good joke, guys. For real though, what's going on?" and they both looked at each other, then back at me and said "We're not kidding." I was shocked. Medically, mom wasn't supposed to get pregnant at the time, so again, just another clear reason that God has a huge plan for you & your life!! I cannot WAIT to see where He takes you!!

There are so many other things I could go on and on about, trust me, but I have faith that I will get to teach them to you. I have faith that I will get to play my role in being your big sister. Even though I'm not able to have communication with you right now or be there as you grow up, I have faith that one day I will be able to be there for you.

Having the privilege of being your big sister for the past two years has been such a blessing.
Remember, I'm always here. Never worry about coming to me about a thing. I'm your big sister and my love for you will never change nor fade--ever.

I love you, Josephine Hope.

Your big sister,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How can I be praying for you?

Hello everyone!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have gotten a little busy lately. Within that, I feel this strong desire to pray and intercede for a lot of you. Whether I know you or not, I encourage you to send me a message--it can be anonymous if you wish!!

Spill your heart out. It can be any prayer need that you wish.

I want to do my part in being a sister in Christ and working together to be the Body of Him.

Be blessed!!

Here's to living the destined life..